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mount: proc already mounted
mount: /dev/hda4 already mounted or /drive0 busy
mount: according to mtab, /dev/hda4 is already mounted on /drive0
mount: you must specify the filesystem type
/dev/empeg_state: Device or resource busy

The B10tts script must mount the partitions during bootup. If run from the command line after its already booted it will give the already mounted errors, but nothing bad happens. During bootup your normal init will give you the already mounted errors since B10tts will mount it before init is run, but this is ok also.

As for "/dev/empeg_state: Device or resource busy" that is the setvol program trying to set your volume. I don't know why you are getting that, but if your script works from the commandline, but not during bootup this could be the cause. It is supposed to set the empeg volume from 0 to whatever you had the player volume set to. If it doesn't work the volume will be 0 and you won't hear anything.

Earlier in this thread I mentioned problems with having 'M' scripts on your system with my 'B' script. If you have my B script loaded and you have other M scripts, you should rename all your M scripts to B also to prevent the program from stuttering. Make sure they are alphabetically after B10tts.