Well, as a country theres poking fun at ourselves, and then theres poking holes in ourselves.
And right now our country appears to be full of holes.

council know he's covering things up, and that he has the weapons in question
When is it ok, then, for another country to maintain weapons of mass destruction (I hate that media coined term)? We (the US) have more weapons of mass destruction than anyone, and we're not too concerned about disarming ourselves. We're no too worried about disarming lots of other countries, either. Is it because of the regime associated with the weapons? If so, then if Bush's supposed "regime change" for Iraq goes through - are we still going to be concerned with disarmament? Also, I'm not the biggest History buff, but I think it's fairly safe to say that on the issue of regime changes over the last 100 years, the US is pretty much batting 0. So, where's the evidence that this regime change is finally going to work? I can't say if I'm for or against the war - all I can say is that I'm very confused about it.

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