So which part do you believe in? The part that says not to kill or the part that tells you to kill me because I work on Sunday?

Again, I don't believe it, just because of contradictions like that. The God of Old Testament was a jealous and spiteful God, and not one that I would want to say I believe in. I'm just trying to show that if you say you are a Christian, you can't pick and choose the Bible, cause if you do there's no point to being a Christian at all. I wish people would say, "You know what, I'm not a Christian. I just believe that I should live my life the best that I can, and help someone out if I get the chance." Why do you have to be associated with a religion to do that?

Edit: For the record, this message board is one of my favorite places to discuss anything on the web

Edited by Banacek (25/03/2003 08:06)