Ah, let me rephrase then.

God is perfect and holy. Man was created to be perfect and holy as well, which means acting and doing as God does. If Adam (as the first man) had stuck with this program, he would never have had to experience death. God, however, did not see fit to create man to be like him and have to choice about it. To give man this free will a choice was put before him: “here is an apple you can eat that will cause you to experience death. It is not my [God’s] will that you should eat of it, but I will not stop you.” Adam chose to eat the apple against God’s wishes. This was not an arbitrary rule, however: Mankind was not meant to experience death or to disobey its creator.

Now we have a people who have chosen against God, and don’t realize that they are at odds with their creator. Thus God gives them the law, which is again (as the Rev stated) not arbitrary, but characteristic of who he is. These people can then see, by way of the law, how they “miss the mark” of who they are supposed to be. The law has not made these people unrighteous, it has demonstrated who they are by contrasting their ways and God’s ways.

This law points us to a Savior who, by faith, has given us the ability to be put right with God again. However, unless we realize we need a Savior, we will not trust in Him. Thus the law demonstrates that we need a Savior.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.