Here's a question; has anybody heard of Darwin's Confession, where Darwin, nearing the end of his days, recanted everything he said about evolution? I've always hear that it's real or fake, depending who you talk to, but I've never seen any facts about.
This may be another of those "who you talk to" things, but this source says it's fake:

Q: Didn't Darwin renounce evolution on his deathbed?

A: The Darwin deathbed story is false. And in any case, it is irrelevant. A scientific theory stands or falls according to how well it is supported by the facts, not according to who believes it. See the Lady Hope Story FAQ.
I think, more importantly than whether the story is fake, is the point they make. Even if he did refute it, it doesn't matter. The theory either stands or falls depending on the evidence. Even if darwin were stark raving mad when he came up with the theory, it's still supported by the evidence. A theory stands on its own, no matter who posited it or whether or not that person still favors it.

This is the corollary to the point Penn and Teller were making with the "sex of the rabbit" demonstration. It went like this:

"Here's a rabbit. We don't know the sex of the rabbit. Teller and I are going to vote on what we think the sex of the rabbit is." (They each scribble on small cards. Penn holds up his card, it has the universal symbol for Female drawn on it.) "I think the rabbit is female. Teller thinks..." (he holds up teller's card, which contains a well-known unpronounceable symbol on it) "... Teller thinks the rabbit is Prince."

Their point was... No matter what they voted, or thought, or believed, the rabbit was either male or female, and the only way to really find out was to CHECK. That's the nature of science. You check, you test, you find the facts and the falsehoods through experiment. It doesn't matter what you believe. There's no voting (despite the fact that they documented a school board voting on essentially that very thing). The rabbit is either male or female, evolution either happens or it doesn't. Science is not the theory, science is not a belief, science is the method you use to check and test your theories or beliefs against the facts.
Tony Fabris