As I said before, man was created to be perfect, only given the opportunity to be imperfect. This may sound like a thin line, but it’s important to understand the difference. Sin entered the world through us, not by God.

Hm, I think I understand what you are saying, but I am not buying it. After all, I am an IT consultant, I know who is responsible for program's behaviour And I understand it is crucial for Christian teology.

He gave us the freewill to disobey him, apparently deciding that it is better to give us the choice of service rather than forcing us into obedience. Would it have been more just to make us into robots that obeyed His law without any will of our own?

No, it would be more just not to punish us for our (planned) imperfection.

I guess it has to do with understanding of free will (and is it logically possible for a omniscient being to produce something unpredictable). Also, with question of why would a perfect beign have such a lowly, human concept as punishment?
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