Which doesn't explain how God was created.
That's another problem. I believe that God wasn't created. He just was. Again, it goes to the very definition of supernatural. He simply doesn't exist on the natural plane, but above it. As far as time is concerned, I believe it can be taken to not be the constant in which we operate. This has been demonstrated many times. As objects move closer to the speed of light, time slows down. If time can be manipulated in this way, then time is no longer a direct ray into infinity. It becomes a palpable thing which can be manipulated. (albeit not by us, as we can't even come close to the speed of light.) Now, if God is omnipresent, then what does that do to his speed? Or does he even have one? If God is no longer bound by speed,or distance, then what of any boundaries of time?

Take another tack. Time runs in a line. Forward and backward. Both are measurable. Both seem to go to infinity. But if they go to infinity in both directions, then you could never have gotten to now since you could always go back further and further. This tends to point to time being a ray, not a line, with a definite beginning but no end. But then, we really don't know if there is an end either. It may just be a line, and we're racing unwitingly towards the end of it.

Another view of it. Time is simply another dimension. It can be modeled easily in a computer. Just because we happen to exist on a single slice of this four-dimentional space doesn't make it any less real. It just means we can only affect things that are on the same plane of existence as us. Now, since we are a computer related bunch, consider length, width, and height as a 3 dimentional array. That makes sense to us, and is something we can easily imagine. Now we can make this even more interesting and add a fourth dimention to the array. x ,y ,z, and t. We can still wrap our heads around this since we can see a three dimentional array moving through time. OK, no problem. We can see a 4-d array. Now what happens when you have a 5-d array? the computer has no issue making one, we just have a difficult time visualizing anything to represent what's going on in our limited 3-d world. What happens if there is a 10-d array? Again, the computer has no problems with it, but I certainly do.

This last one has something to do with the idea that we can represent a 3-d object on a 2-d piece of paper, and can represent a 4-d object in 3-d space. In other words, you can represent n+1 d whenever you operate in n degrees. If we could manipulate 4-d, we would have no issue understanding a 5-d. But the fact is that we don't.

All of that to say, we are bound by our little 3-d world, but God is not. Who are we to say what He can or cannot do since he does NOT exist on the same mortal plane of existence?

Then again, I personally believe that God literally said "Let there be light" and there was. I do not ascribe to the evolutionistic creation that many creationists believe. By this I mean that I don't believe that God manipulated evolution to achieve his creation. To me it boils down to whether or not He is all-powerful or not. Same goes for the walking on water, turning water into wine, healing people, and all the other miracles that Christ performed. It could be argued that He manipulated nature to perform these miracles, but I prefer the idea that He can simply makes things the way he wants.

All that being said, just because I believe this does not make it true. It just means that this is what I believe to be true. Everything COULD be a random series of molecular collisions that could be mapped out to the end of time, including emotions, physics, thought, and all those other measurable things, but I prefer no to believe that, for to me it takes away the concept of free will. All of a sudden our thoughts/emotions are no longer controlled by us, but rather by a cold, unfeeling, unthinking universe that is simply spinning out of control and we just happen to be a weird "concious" anomaly and I could just as easily be the matter that makes up my desk rather than the matter that is sitting at it. -=shudder=- What a bleak thought.