As far as the review, what are your thoughts on the anti-semitic stuff?
The anti-semitism accusation is completely unfounded. You can't change the historical fact that Jesus was Jewish and that the events took place in Israel. You can't change the fact that there were Jews involved in the proceedings. Just like you can't change the fact that Stalin executed millions of his own people. That's not viewed as an anti-Russian statement. It just happened.

Furthermore, Gibson took the extra step of making sure that there were Jewish people that were sympathetic or supportive of Christ throughout the film. They appear from the beginning where Christ was brought before the court of the high priests, and some of the priests were loudly proclaiming the trial to be a mockery, illegal and unjust. From there, there were supporters in the streets and at the crucifixion all along the way. He portrays Christ's triumphal entry to Jerusalem and the support he was given by many of the Jewish people.

The bottom line is that he accurately portrays the events as recorded in the gospels - that some of the influential religious/political rulers of the day (including the high priest) had Christ executed because of personal animosity, threat to their controlling rule, and a false religious piety in which they were unwilling to recognize the Messiah.

Anyone willing to take an honest look at the film can see this...the Jews as a whole are not portrayed as "Christ-killers" at all. They are portrayed as any other people would be, with vastly different goals, religion, politics and so forth.
~ John