My wife went to see it without me. (She went to see it with some of her Christian friends and didn't want me making fun of them.) I'd say my wife has a pretty strong faith, if somewhat unorthodox, and she was disturbed by the movie. I hope I'm not getting her intent wrong here.

She said that she is pretty used to gory movies (she likes horror movies well enough, if not necessarily splatterpunk) but that the graphicalness (?) was over the top and that she found it disturbing that the director portrayed it in such a loving manner. It's like it was pornographic. (I'm putting words in her mouth, but I think I've got the gist of it.) To the point that she said she though that Mel might need some counseling.

She did say she liked the rest of the movie pretty well, that the baby would probably give her nightmares and that she liked the portrayal of Pilate as this guy who just didn't want to be bothered with dealing with this stuff and was annoyed by it. After listening to her description, I feel that Mel knowingly took license with the story and told what he felt it would have been, not a non-extended word-for-word filming of the Gospels.

I'll get around to seeing it yet.
Bitt Faulk