Okay. Here are the complaints, as reported by Newsweek:

Movie: Magdalene tries to get help from Roman soldiers when Jesus is taken away to be tried by the Jewish priests
Facts: The scene, which could suggest greater Jewish culpability and control, is not in the Gospels

Movie: Caiaphas and other priests ("the Jews" in the Gospels) are in charge, convicting Jesus of blasphemy in a trial the Romans do not appear to know about
Facts: Caiaphas was Pilate's subordinate, only Rome could execute, and the Gospels' trial scenes do not justify the 'blasphemy' charge against Jesus

Movie: Gibson portrays Pilate as a sensitive ruler who is pushed into crucifying Jesus by a chanting Jewish mob
Facts: Pilate was a bullying, bloody-minded prefect who, a contemporary noted, was of 'inflexible, stubborn and cruel disposition' who executed untried Jews

Movie: Jesus told Pilate that Caiaphas bore the 'greater sin' for delivering him over to a Roman execution
Facts: The sentence was Pilate's to hand down, and the Roman Catholic Church holds that while 'Christ underwent his passion freely,' all sinners are culpable

I remember them as being more significant when I first read them. Shows you what memory will do.

I'll make no further comment about it at least until I can verify some of it.
Bitt Faulk