I'm gonna have to call you on some of that:
Caiphais...never has the qualms that are in the Gospels.
Pilate is portrayed as namby-pamby, which is probably in keeping with the Bible, but not history.
I think "conflicted" would be a better word. The Bible is the only historical source we have on the matter, and it has stood up resoundingly to historical scrutiny over the years. Do I think Pilate had people executed on a whim? Sure. Do I believe it's possible he didn't at times? Sure.
There are apparently scenes where the Jews try Jesus that aren't in the Gospel.
I'm no theologian, but I know the Bible pretty well, and I didn't see any. I'd love to be proven wrong.
It doesn't help that Gibson's father is a raging anti-semite.
Lemme guess, you got that from the news?

I'm not trying to be a jerk or anything...just pointing out that there's a lot of mis-information out there. I do however agree with your conclusion:

...those who are anti-semitic anyway, there's going to be fuel. But for those not, it's just a story, regardless of its importance.

~ John