
I have been working for several months in my spare time on a tool that would provide me with an Empeg with a VGA sized screen, hosted on a PC. I had previously tweaked a VNC server and viewer to do this but was not satisfied with the results (it did work).

I have finally arrived at a point where I am satisfied with the stuff I have come up with. I call it "Empeg Streamer and Controller (EMS&P)" (I am not good at coming up with names). You can see details and download it from .

Neither my son, girlfriend, or I can make it crash or behave in any way other than the way it should. So it is to the point where testing by others would be greatly appreciated. And if you like it you can continue to use it as it is free.

If you run Windows XP and have the curiosity, please download this thing, take it for a spin, and tell me how it behaves. The application can be used to either control your Empeg, or to stream music from it with the same user interface - one designed to display on a VGA size screen and controlled by short and long presses of only four buttons. Network and CPU utilization on the PC and the Empeg are minimal when controlling the Empeg. When streaming, you do of course use CPU to decode the music, and bandwith to stream the fids.