The first thing you observed about rebooting the player when you bounce real fast between songs for extended periods happens because the Empeg player app freezes when overwhelmed with a back log of serial port commands to play. I put in a check in the software to detect this, which forces the Empeg to quit and restart and allows things to continue. I struggled quite a bit with this and that's the best solution I've been able to come up with so far.
If you just need to do this from time to time, a way to avoid it, and to switch songs way faster, is to Pause first.
I'm sure you thought of this, but why not have the empeg pause when it detects this instead of restarting. I'm guessing it's because you can't get the pause command to be put at the head of the queue, but it's worth pointing out if you just missed it for some reason.
Bitt Faulk