To be able to use EMSC you will need to reorganize, which will probably be a good idea. Looking for stuff among 2424 entries at the top level should be difficult. However, I am not sure that that is the reason for the crash. After "Policy and Priority changed to 2 and 50", isn't there a blank line and then a line with the left square braket "[" ?

Also, when you say the app crashes, what are the symptoms? Does the EMSC title bar change to read "controlling Empeg xxx.yyy.zzz.ttt? Can you grab the window by the title bar and move the window around? Does the name of a playlist appear in the middle of the window? As the number of tunes is counted up, do you see a flying list of your playlists in the middle of the window? It might be that EMSC is not really crashed, what happens if you press the "Down" cursor key in your keyboard?