I am trying to use this with RH Linux 7.2, JReceiver 0.19. I am able to get to menus to select music, can select a song, but am unable to play it. When I press play, I get a 'buffering' message, and this on my console:

### startPlayback. streamStatus: 0, pbStatus: 0
PlayerStream (/ - streamStart()
Bad music server http response opening tune connection: 503: Service UnavailablePlayerStream (/ - sent Purge(). dataLen: 0
PlayerStream (/ - discarding DataRequest - tuneSeqNo mismatch. tuneSeqNo: 0, startTuneSeqNo: 4, streamTuneSeqNo: 4
PlayerStream (/ - discarding DataRequest - tuneSeqNo mismatch. tuneSeqNo: 0, startTuneSeqNo: 4, streamTuneSeqNo: 4
PlayerStream (/ - discarding DataRequest - tuneSeqNo mismatch. tuneSeqNo: 0, startTuneSeqNo: 4, streamTuneSeqNo: 4

Also, do you have a tRio.sh for linux yet? I jerry rigged one, but I am not sure it is working completely.

Lastly, has anyone got this to work with Linux?