Yeah, played it last week. I was very impressed with the demo. It was fun to play, and I'll be buying the game.

Only one thing bugged me (and I know this wasn't something you had anything to do with), which was that the HUD was overbearing and took up too much screen real-estate. It made things look far too cluttered and console-y even on my high rez PC screen, and I felt like I was constantly having to peer through a peephole to see the action.

I liked the context-sensitive squad commands. I was also very impressed with the large library of audio responses to my commands, which kept things fresh and non-repetitive. Not to mention the quality of the voice-acting... certain past LucasArts games have been a bit garage-y in their voice acting and cutscenes, this one was very professional.

The level design was well-executed, but that actual level seemed to be little more than a collection of corridors. I'm hoping that the level they chose for the demo was deliberately one of the more sedate ones, and that there's more spectacular environments to come later in the game.
Tony Fabris