Okay, now I'm stuck.

I'm fighting my way through a series of hangar bays, with wave after wave of separatist droids coming in. I have to destroy the force field regulators for each hangar bay. The section I'm on is titled "Overwhelming Odds".

I've made it through hangars A, B, and C, and I'm now on hangar D.

I've fought my way to the back of the hangar and sliced the console. A giant elevator comes down, and there's a walker on that elevator. My instructions are to use that walker to destroy the force field regulator.

My entire team is running around beneath the legs of this walker with me. More droids are coming. But the ladder to enter the walker doesn't respond to my "Use" command. It had an icon on it indicating I was supposed to use it, but nothing is happening. The droids eventually overpower us.

How do you climb into the walker as instructed? Loren, do you know?
Tony Fabris