Only one thing bugged me (and I know this wasn't something you had anything to do with), which was that the HUD was overbearing and took up too much screen real-estate. It made things look far too cluttered and console-y even on my high rez PC screen, and I felt like I was constantly having to peer through a peephole to see the action.

Hahah... You don't know the fight that went into that. A lot of us were really against the HUD being so overbearing, but that was a design decision made really early in development and Tim (producer) stuck to his guns. He wanted it to be engrossing so that you'd be aware you were IN the helmet all the time. You'll notice that throughout the game, not once is there ever a shot that's not from 38's point of view. That was another fight we had when doing cut-scene type stuff, not being able to pull out of the helmet. It was really limiting but I think we made it work. Wait 'til you see the opening scene of the game, that was my baby near the end. But overall, all I can say is that you'll probably get used to it. =]

The level design definitely opens up. It's sort of all over the place which is nice. Only one of the campaigns takes place on a ship, and they did a nice job of breaking up those corridors. It's not all super amazing, but I think you'll dig some of what they did with Kashyyk later on.
|| loren ||