I thought the guy from Samsung on the news in the week, comparing the difference as being as dramatic as moving from B/W to colo(u)r, was pushing it a bit!

Dude! I used to feel the same way! I mean TV is TV right? Ha!
A friend of mine was selling his old regular TV because he just bought a HDTV. I was thinking about buying it from him and went over to his house to check it out. It was sitting right by his new tv...I was kidding him about having to 'keep up with the Jones!'...he laughed and told me to sit down and got me a cup of coffee. We watched 30 minutes of the Discovery channel It was a show on underwater stuff. I said ok I like the tv, and I would buy it from him...he laughed and said no watch this, and we watched the last part of the show in HD.... I went out the next day and bought a 52" HDTV. Anyone who knows me and what a cheap guy I am can apprecate that! I would even trade my beloved empeg for it.
And DVD's? Well you won't believe it...
Try it....you'll like it.....