The problem is that the front of the house is south-facing so if I wanted a dish it would have to go slap bang on the front of the house.

My house also faces the satellite. Obviously, I don't know how your house is built, but I solved that problem by putting the satellite dish on the roof just on the lee side of the ridgeline so that you can't really see the dish, or at least only the top of it, from the street, but the dish still has clear view of the southern sky.

This is very easy to do in most cases. When I installed my own dish, I was able to do this and you could not see the dish from the street. Because the signal bounces off of the dish, you can hide it further back than you might think.

Interestingly, when I had another dish installed professionally on the same house (for the same providor), the installer mounted the dish just high enough so that everyone could see it. I imagine that DirecTV recommends doing that so they get curbside advertising with each customer.
Brad B.