'tis the season for the new season. I'm personally looking forward to the return of Heroes. NBC is apparently taking the sci-fi / fantasy thing a bit over top with three other new dramas: Bionic Woman, Journeyman, and Chuck. The former includes Katie Sackoff (Starbuck on Battlestar Galactica), apparently in the "bad guy" role. Journeyman is some sort of time traveling thing starring Kevin McKid (also the star of HBO's Rome). Chuck is Alias-meets-Circuit City. Or something like that.

I'll tape all of those, but if anything is clear, we're not going to have all these shows by the end of the season...

On other networks, CBS has a new show, "Moonlight" that seems like a direct knockoff of "Angel" (vampire as good guy private investigator in Los Angeles), not to be confused with Fox's "New Amsterdam" that has an immortal police investigator in New York. ABC has another one, "Pushing up the Daiseys" about a police investigator who can ask dead people who killed them. Gaah! Enough with the cop shows!

What I'm wondering is if there's something coming that has clever writing, regardless of genre. I'm continually impressed by Boston Legal for precisely the fact that the writers are hilarious (and for all the shameless things they do to William Shatner).