out of all the pre-airs episodes I have watched so far, Cavemen is my favorite so far, with chuck coming in a close second (looks like its filmed in Canada). The Sarah Connor Chronicles looks quite interesting after the first episode as well. I actually didn't like Bionic Woman at all, kinda reminded me of last years shark boy, filmed the same way at least. Pushing up daisies I could go either way after watching the first episode, not your typical ABC show, thats forsure. Cane looks pretty good though, kinda like a sugar cartel. Aliens in America was pretty funny after the first episode but Big Bangs first episode was very weak!

Californication started off strong, but the writing is going no where fast. Dexter S2 is looking good after just 2 episodes. Weeds S3 isn't really going anywhere but Norm MacDonald more than makes up for that.

My favorite summer show was Burn Notice. If you missed it, it was on USA network.

Did anyone else catch The Larry David Show S6 on Sunday? So glad its back on the air, never expected it to come back on actually.

Edited by spider (13/09/2007 00:57)