Amazon has some of the new season's pilots available for free download.

So far I've watched "Big Bang Theory", "Back To You", "Chuck", and "Bionic Woman".

"Big Bang Theory" is a minstrel show with geeks instead of black folks. It's honestly somewhat offensive. And their jargon is off enough that geeks would just be irritated anyway. It's basically "point at the geeks and laugh".

"Back To You" is no better or worse than any other generic sitcom. Which is to say it's pretty bad.

"Bionic Woman" was just terrible. Katee Sackhoff (Starbuck from the new Battlestar Galactica) is a recurring guest star, apparently, and confirmed my opinion that she's simply a bad actress. The rest of the show is just boring. It honestly failed to keep my attention for the whole 45 minutes, and I didn't even have to bother fast-forwarding through commercials. There's just nothing there to recommend the show.

"Chuck", on the other hand, looks like it's going to be pretty good. It's centered around geeks, just like "Big Bang Theory", but it doesn't unremittingly make fun of them. There's still things to poke fun at, but that's not the whole show, and it's more often done in a more friendly manner. The supporting cast is interesting enough, and the premise is reasonably fun. I don't know for sure that it'll work long-term, but it's worth watching again to find out.
Bitt Faulk