This season of Heroes was complete trash.

I wouldn't go that far. It was certainly a giant step backwards from the first season, which was a truly brilliant thing.

I can say what I saw was far better than Terminator 3.

Interestingly, they make various allusions in the TV show to the movies, but it's all very tangential. They can't help but refer to the first movie often. Discussion of either subsequent film is circumspect at best (e.g., they've mentioned a previous "friendly" Terminator (or Terminators), but it's not clear whether they're talking about the Governator in T2 or something else. Certainly, we've seen no sign of "liquid metal", which is probably a good thing.)

The scientific technobabble in the Terminator TV show is starting to annoy me. If, for example, time travel only works on living people, then how did the bad-guy head manage to make the jump with our cast of characters, when it had no skin left on it? Likewise, "hey kid, can you whip up a virus to take out this thing" is kinda silly. How do you engineer a virus when you don't know anything about what you're attacking? And, ultimately, all of this craziness about getting the Turk is a bit silly. It's not a rare gem. It's a piece of software. There should be copies. Backups. Branches.

Now, the question is whether I'm more experiencing trouble suspending my disbelief at Terminator's technobabble, or whether I'm experiencing trouble suspending my disbelief at some of the more fantastic / religious elements of Battlestar Galactica.