Originally Posted By: andy
 Originally Posted By: Dignan
Wonderful. They've cancelled The 4400. In my opinion, it was superior to Heroes in almost every way other than production values and marketing.

I disagree strongly. In my opinion the 4400 has been totally lost for ages (since about mid way through last series).

I'm not saying I think that too (I don't), but you're saying you don't agree with me on the grounds that half of the 4400's final (4th) season was no good? Heroes started sucking after the "future episode" of season one, and this season has been really bad.

My main argument for the 4400 over Heroes is that Heroes isn't saying anything. Hell, 99% of the time it doesn't even deliver on a geeky superpower level. At the very least, the 4400 has social commentary (that seems based in reality, IMO), and compelling plot developments. I've heard people say "well, Heroes is going to get to that stuff." I don't think they are. The show seems to relish in its characters' anonymity and "inner struggle" (ha!). They're all self-absorbed, whiny, and (*spoiler alert*) the first time they try to expose the existence of superpowered people, look what happens.

Sorry for the rant, but I'm really disliking the show now. The writing is simply terrible.

 Originally Posted By: hybrid8
The last episode of Journeyman is on tonight... Hope you don't miss it.

Oh, I know! I'm going to watch it in a little bit (have to build up some Tivo time).

When you wrote about them canceling it was on episode 10 and a you mentioned, it looked like they might not air the remaining episodes. Except instead of 2 there were actually 3.

Yeah, the creator said that when they looked at the ratings and the impending strike, they decided that the end was nigh. At least they retooled the scripts for the final episodes to wrap up some plot points. Supposedly we're going to get some answers (which I feel the show has been doling out fairly well as it is!).

Easily the best new show of 2007, perhaps tied with Life. I also quite like Pushing Daisies.

Pushing Daisies is easily my favorite. At the moment it's my third favorite show overall (behind Avatar and Dexter). Life is better than I expected (the pilot didn't impress me), and it really kicked it up a bit in the final few episodes.