Originally Posted By: tfabris
Originally Posted By: mlord
Keeping in mind that this is a a Microsoft contractor (employee?)..

Former. I haven't worked there for a year and have no ties to them.

Oh, excellent then. My apologies!

Meanwhile, I have a 12 year old Windows glitch that I've yet to solve: when I dual boot (rarely, but once or twice a year) one of the machines at home into MS WXP (or even W98SE), the clock is always off by either 5 or 8 hours from EST.

Oh, and sometimes the MS WXP "helpfully" adjusts the time by 1 hour (+/-) for daylight savings, which then screws up the time by that same amount when I later boot back into the native OS (Linux).

Peculiar that.


Edited by mlord (16/10/2008 16:42)