I snagged a copy of the KDE4 remix of 8.04 shortly after it was released and I was frankly horrified by what I saw. It didn't even seem as though they'd got a quarter of the way towards replicating the functionality of KDE3.

Given that 8.04 is an LTS release it'll be around for a least as long as 8.10, I'm hoping by that point KDE4 will have 'matured' by then.

I've not actually turned my home desktop machine on in months as I do pretty much everything on my MacBook Pro. But I'm hoping work will stump up the readies for an octal core Xeon powered Dell Precision as my office machine in which case I will probably make the move to Linux at work. I'll probably stick with 8.04 as the host OS and then try KDE4 in VMware alongside a few Windows guests.

Andy M