If you want to make the iPhone be almost identical to the iPad in setup, use the backup and restore feature. Through iTunes, click the Backup Now button on the iPad. Then when the iPhone is plugged in, pick Restore Backup. It's going to restore the iPhone back to factory defaults, then restore any app and setting from the iPad that is iPhone compatible.

Or if you want to just sync individual apps and not worry about settings, plug the iPhone into the computer, and there should be an Apps tab at the top. You can manage what apps to sync, coming from your local computer.

I haven't ever synced an iPhone on Windows, so I'm not sure how the contacts works. I see in Apple's help that it can sync to a number of programs. http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1296

I believe the same apps can sync using iCloud as well if you later want to do this. http://www.apple.com/icloud/setup/pc.html

If you want to sync apps in the future, you have two choices. By cable via iTunes (Download on iPad, sync to computer, then sync computer to iPhone). Or via iCloud synced downloads. (#4 on this page: http://www.apple.com/icloud/setup/ios.html)