Originally Posted By: Archeon
Originally Posted By: drakino
If you want to make the iPhone be almost identical to the iPad in setup, use the backup and restore feature. Through iTunes, click the Backup Now button on the iPad. Then when the iPhone is plugged in, pick Restore Backup. It's going to restore the iPhone back to factory defaults, then restore any app and setting from the iPad that is iPhone compatible.

I imagine this would be a problem if the iPad is running iOS 5 and the iPhone iOS 6? I'm not really willing to upgrade the iPad to iOS 6 as well since I've jailbroken this device because I wanted a few things on it that are not available through the App Store. (like VLC, a file browser and SB Settings)

Restoring to an new version is fine. Login to iCloud on the iPad, do an iCloud backup. Reset the iPhone from Settings->General->Reset and then login to iCloud during the setup on the phone and pick the iPad iCloud backup to restore from.

Probably worth doing an iCloud backup on the iPhone before doing that though, in case you decide you want to go back to how to have it setup now.
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