Honest question: what do you guys think this all means for the Lightning connector? Is that going to go away? Might we see it on Apple's iOS devices in the future? You know me, I'd be thrilled to see a standard interface.

I'm actually a lot more pleased with the new MacBook than I thought I'd be. I think they're going in a good direction, and I like your observation, Tom, that they're marketing this as simply "MacBook." I like the simplification of the line, and hope it continues.

As for the watch, clearly it's not going to be for me. If you aren't an iPhone user, there's as little sense in getting and Apple Watch as there is in an iOS user getting an Android Wear watch. These are purely accessories, not their own product categories.

I know the Apple Watch has won some design awards, and I know this is as subjective as it gets, but I'm pretty underwhelmed by the design. It certainly doesn't wow me like their other products do. I prefer the look of a round watch, but recognize the UI issues it raises.

What I'll be curious to see with the watch is the battery life. Apple's products are known for their battery life, and I'm just not sure this one is going to live up to that tradition. I feel like it's going to be about as good as the other smartwatches out there (aside from the Pebble).