Originally Posted By: tonyc
The most interesting thing to me is the new pressure-sensitive trackpad with haptic feedback

Went to an Apple store last night to try out the new trackpad on the MacBook Pro. It's, interesting. The haptic feedback is done really well. Clicks do feel a little different then the real clicks on the older trackpads, but it's only really noticeable with both next to each other. The newer one seems nicer since a click works everywhere equally, not just the lower half.

The haptic feedback is in firmware on the trackpad, as it clicks properly even before OS X boots. Rebooted the laptop at the store a few times just to compare when the trackpad is powered vs off.

The force part I tried out in Quicktime. The haptic feedback uses a lower powered vibration as you press down, letting you feel each speed level when video seeking. It will take a bit to get used to this, I was going through multiple speeds at first till I learned to feel out each step.

The store mentioned that on April 10th they will have the new Macbook on display, along with the watches. I'm curious to try out the new keyboard on the Macbook. Input to machines seems to be something frequently overlooked by many reviewers.