Originally Posted By: drakino
I wonder if one port may be more for thermal reasons. Watching the keynote last night, Apple really pushed hard on the fact that the logic board was the smallest Mac logic board ever, along with it lacking a fan.

Yes, the more I think about it, the more this seems to be the only logical trade-off. I personally still can't see any other. One single port will I am afraid cause quite some frustration, and my guess is that choice will cost Apple a little on sales. I don't think they made such a decision lightly. But I can see them going with one if a second port meant a fan: thickness, most likely, weight for sure, and battery life would be quite affected by that.

I'd be really curious about the Surface 5, in this regard. I am sure it will come in some flavor to compete with the new mb (Core M), so it will be interesting to see its design in terms of ports and fan.
= Taym =
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