Originally Posted By: Dignan
Honest question: why is there all this confusion about the USB spec in the first place? Why not just finalize it and release it, saving any changes for the next version? Is it a technical problem?

All I know is that nobody - not a single end user - wants this kind of confusion about what charger to use and all that other stuff. I can't believe we've gotten so close to a usable standard and they're still pulling this kind of nonsense.
As best I can tell the USB group is a member/marketing/committee driven weird beast.

They seem to want to include everything, then as new use cases (or marketing opportunities) arise they just keep adding. When you look at the vast array of oddball stuff that has been stuffed into the various USB specifications over the years, it beggars belief.

Users want what USB seemingly promises, painless device connections without concern about compatibility. What they get falls far short of the mark, again and again.

Just look at the names and logos they come up with for the various speed and use scenarios. They create confusion, even among semi-technical users.

Is USB Superspeed faster or better than USB On the Go? What about High Speed?

This sort of thing is widespread, Rev 1 is newer/faster than Rev 2. Cause 3.0
Originally Posted By: USB.org
Revision 2.0 of the USB On-The-Go and Embedded Host Supplement to the USB 2.0 Specification applies to products operating at low-speed, full-speed and high-speed and is released, including applicable ECNs and errata, as part of the USB 2.0 Specification package. The corresponding OTG Adopters Agreement is also available.

Revision 1.0 of the USB On-The-Go and Embedded Host Supplement to the USB 3.0 Specification enhances these scenarios by adding SuperSpeed capability to USB On-The-Go and is released as part of the USB 3.0 Specification package. The corresponding Adopters Agreement for USB OTG 3.0 is the USB 3.0 Adopters Agreement.