Yeah, I know, some are getting them when they say they are out of stock, some are not getting them when they say in they are in stock. Sonic Blue has their head so far up their a** they don't know what the hell they are doing. My point is that you are taking your chances if you count on them, that is all. And calling them or e-mailing them is a lost cause, they never answer either. And when I was finally able to get a hold of them they bascially told me I was SOL. Hey, maybe you will get lucky, maybe you won't. As for me, I will never ever order from them again, and welcome the opportunity to buy from someone else at a tiny bit high but still reasonable price.

Sorry, I don't mean to beat a dead horse. They made me quite angry.
Ninti - MK IIa 60GB Smoke, 30GB, 10GB