On Ashcroft: nobody attacked his personal beliefs. The problem was Ten Commandmens he kept in his courtroom (and admitted he 'considers' them when coming to his decisions). How does judge who applies 'I am the Lord your God, ..., you shall have no other gods besides Me' in his courtroom enforce the constitutional principle of all citizens being equal before the law, regardless of, among others, religious belief?

And if you think fundamentalist Christianity is more tolerant of non-believers than Islam, remember what it has in store for them in afterlife (and this life is but a valey of tears anyway, no?)

And I am sure Bruno (hybrid8) and our other Canadian members are preparing revolution to topple their oppresive, anti-democratic government and its abhorrent institutions like, for example, universally available health care
Dragi "Bonzi" Raos Q#5196 MkII #080000376, 18GB green MkIIa #040103247, 60GB blue