And I know for a fact that the Koran states straightforward that it is the duty of Muslims to kill the infedels.

In 8th to 10th century (IIRC) there were several Moorish Islamic caliphates on Iberian peninsula, the most important one being in Cordoba. It was common that Great Vesire (something like secretary of state) be a Christian, main court physitian a Jew... Scientists in those caliphates translated works of Greek philosophers and physitians, Indian astronomers and mathematicians... and it was through those translations we know of them today. For example, this is the way the concept of positional numbering system with zero came to Europe. Well, of course, Christian Europe could not tolerate this situation. Moors were driven from Spain, and thus Dark Ages begun......

As this simplified history shows, The things are not that simple (TM). All faiths derived from original Jewish religion have strong element of xenophobia. All are based on fear from authority. All promise eternal damnation to non-believers. Christianity was amended a bit with New Testament idea of love, but all attrocities done in the name of Chrisitan God were done after Christ spoke about love. No religion is bad. No religion is better than others. What is bad is use of any religion in political purposes.
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