Not in order and probably not correct, but I must sleep soon...

1. Pink Floyd - The Wall
The gapless version as played in a repeating loop on the empeg. How it was meant to be heard...

2. Rush - Signals/Grace Under Pressure (I can't--er, won't decide)
Too hard to select though, I suppose if someone absolutely forced me I would choose, eh, both.

3. Beethoven - Pastoral No. 6
So that during my time in the sun on this island, I would have opportunity to make-believe I was off in the most fantastic of rural settings.

4. The Red Hot Chili Peppers - Blood, Sugar, Sex, Magik
Given a high percentage of these tunes are more explicit than I would prefer, the "repeat playability" of this album is amazingly high.

5. Larry Norman - Only Visiting This Planet
I wish we'd all been ready. Chills.

6. Rogers & Hammerstein - The Sound of Music Soundtrack
A the quintessential album of my youth. I used to beg my mother to play the album again and again for me on our old Phillips player.

7. The Doors - LA Woman
Jim lives here if no where else...

8. 77's - Tom Tom Blues, Drowning With Land in Sight, Pray Naked
Can not choose one. Someone else will have to make that decision for me.

9. Daniel Amos - Shotgun Angel
While some would call this a country album and definitely not typical of their current stuff, I don't have to, but I find this is album to holds up well to over 20 years of listening.

10. Bruce Cockburn - Stealing Fire
So raw and yet lush. Every time I am entranced.

Curses for making us choose.

Peter Gabriel - So
Like Dire Straits' Brothers in Arms, So, this is an album that bespeaks fine CD production.

Van Morrison - Hymns To The Silence
I love this collection.

The Police - Ghost In The Machine
One of my first concerts. If it wasn't for the French in GITM, Synchronicity pulls a very close second.

U2 - Achtung Baby/War
How to choose Passion or Artistic Direction?

Depeche Mode - Violator and The Cure - Wish
Should be played back to back. Outstanding.

Natalie Merchant - Tigerlily
Holds together well and captivates me.

Santana - Supernatural
Wow. I mean, really. Wow.

Supertramp - Brother Where You Bound
This album is so good. It is a shame it never made it into broader distribution.

Swirling Eddies - Outdoor Elvis
Almost a best of collection but there aren't really enough albums out for them to have a best of. I find myself listening to this one repeatedly more than any of their others.