To everybody who posted here,

Thank you so much for these lists, I've already started checking some of this stuff out and I'm sure will use this thread as a resource for a while to come. Some day I'm sure I will have a collection worthy of the mighty Empeg, but lately I was running out of stuff to buy (most of my friends aren’t really into music and have very little suggestions).

I did a rash thing when I first got my Empeg and bought a bunch of "best of" albums to beef up my random play with favorite songs. This was great for a while, but I started getting tired of the lack of cohesiveness between songs. Recently I created a playlist to shuffle albums (without "Greatest Hits" included) and have really been enjoying shuffling albums instead of just songs, but I have found the need to include more great albums that work well as albums, not just a collection of songs.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.