Also, most CD players make no serious attempt at all to avoid jitter, and actually I haven't seen a head unit for in-car use yet that tries to avoid it. (This is where playback equipment comes in: to avoid jitter, you can't rely on the rotational speed of the disk to extract the data at the right pace in the first place).

Of course one cannot rely on CD transport rotational speed for timing reference, but, unless I am very much mistaken, nobody does. AFAIK, the thing works the other way around: timing reference is provided by a (hopefully stable) clock that paces DAC, and if FIFO feeding the DAC starts emptying too quickly, the drive servo gets instructed to spin a bit faster. Now, if you make the FIFO magasample or so deep, you get skip protection as found on portables or ICE units. In any case, no need for acoustic isolation nonsense in imitation of analog turntables.

Just my ~ 0.17 HRK :)

Dragi "Bonzi" Raos
Zagreb, Croatia
Dragi "Bonzi" Raos Q#5196 MkII #080000376, 18GB green MkIIa #040103247, 60GB blue