Okay the results of the jury are in:

Raw statistics (of thirty runs)

(as determined by a coin throw):
17 with isolator
13 without isolator

Actual noticed results:
21 correct answers
9 incorrect answers (4 of which were thinking there was an isolated when there wasn't - 5 thinking that there wasn't an isolator when there was).

Song used: first 30 seconds of Porcelain by Moby (an awesome track, but I don't think that I'll ever be able to listen to it again!).

Enough said, I'm knackered!

Comments please....



Paul Haigh, 6GB, Blue
Reg: 4120 - Serial 00254
Paul Haigh, Reg. 4120 (mk1) 6GB, Blue, 00254 (mk2) 12GB, Red, 00357