I have to say that I am quite happy with the sound stage I have in my car. I first put in an Alpine CD before my Empeg arrived

, and still have it with the Empeg now. It worked a treat and I did a listening test a while ago using the same track on MP3 and CD.
I could hear a difference in tone, subtle, but still different. I do prefer tracks off the Empeg though. for one they are normalized better to my system. (please don't start that debate here, I just like to have them normalized to 95%-98%).
All my tracks have been Ripped with Audio Catalyst,
with occational tag edits by MP3 studio. Thanks tfabris, It's a great find.I enjoy good quality audio but haven't found any reson to go with oxygen free cables, gold plated connecters and solder every joint. But then neither have most studios which create the music we listen to.
I concur that the only real way of finding the better system is to play WAVs from the Empeg.