Out of curiosity, how many would be willing to donate from time to time to help cover bandwith if it was moved?

I would donate. I have gotten so much more from this bbs than I will ever be able to repay...

But, if the bbs is to move to a new location, please give serious consideration to access speed. That's a function of bandwidth, I guess. With the volume of new posts to read every day (200+) a fat pipe is essential. I am on a T-1 line at work, and speed of the present connection is adequate, but no more than that. (Most likely the bottleneck is getting the signal in and out of Alaska -- I suspect my connection to the ISP is the fattest link in the whole chain.)

I mean, sure, we could host the bbs for free on a '486 with 8 MB of RAM running in somebody's attic on a 56K dialup... but we wouldn't want to.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"