Alright, here's my deal. I work at Net Access Corporation, a regional ISP in north Jersey, we cover the try-state area, and beyond with internet service. I've been here for a few years. We have about 20,000 dial up customers plus our dedicated customers. We have about 350 gigabits of band width in our one data center that i work at. I do all their web development, and in fact, in the company, there are about 7 empeg owners that i know of.

Depending on the space, I just spoke with the owner of the company and he said he would be happy to host this bbs.

10 gig of transfer per month with
200 meg of storage space for about
$500 per year.

I can assure you that the server will be monitored 24/7 by our staff, and would be hosted in our Colo Site A. We have NT, Unix and mac specialists here as well. My empeg site is hosted on my personal co-lo, and i do all the administration for that box. ( )

Along with plenty of bandwidth, our peering groups are very large, and branch from our US data centers to London to extend our network into Europe. This would ensure that everyone can access the site without having to hop around too much, so it should be fast for everyone. for thoes techies, just do a tracert to

Let me know if you guys are interested because we can just set up a pay pal account, or something. I'm sure if everyone chips in like $5 ( i will! ) then we might be able to keep this going for a few more years.

There is no doubt, that where ever you host this site, someone is going to pay for the bandwidth, somehow.

Oh, and hopefully everyone that currently moderates this site would still volunteer their time, right?

Any thoughts or comments?