It just didn't seem like that $500 thing was any better than a lot of other options that have been listed here.

True, but these offers shift around all the time. What might be a good deal today may not be next week (well, exaggeration, but the idea is there - somewhere).

I do not know what other responsibilities PaulH has to deal with and what time constraints he is under. As it is, I am very happy for the time and effort he (and everyone else) have given to this board. The critical thing is that PaulH can migrate the BBS and all that goes with it to a new home or upgrade and pay in place before his current service is shut down; with enough lead time to get it done and still have a life of his own.

A number of very good suggestions and offers of support (funding and hosting) have been made. I am no expert at comparing the various offers, but I am certain that whichever will be the final outcome, I will be glad that the board is still around. Wherever it will wind up.
Paul Grzelak
200GB with 48MB RAM, Illuminated Buttons and Digital Outputs