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Um, did you know that RackShack has gotten itself onto most of the anti-spam blocks? I'd doubt that 30% of the people who are on this BBS would be able to get e-mail from the BBS if it moves over to there.

That's certainly news to me. I can understand how this could happen to a popular server supplier if they're not careful since everyone who owns a server (of which there are a lot of people) can do whatever they want with their server (in that they have root access), but RackShack has a strict spam policy and I was under the impression that they enforced it well. I know that I haven't had any problems (I have a web site going on this server) and reading through the RackShack support forums, I haven't seen any other people having problems of this sort. Bear in mind that RackShack own hundreds if not thousands of IP blocks so I should imagine it would be hard to get them all black-listed anyway.

Not that I don't believe you, but do you have any proof of what you're saying? Some sort of article or something that suggests that RackShack isn't the way to go? It's just that I've heard nothing but good things and I did a lot of research for my friend when we were looking for a server provider.