Some hubs can have a BNC connector in addition to the RJ45s, so could I have a couple of machines running off the hub's BNC connector with the rest on RJ45?
Damn, that's a good question! I've never tried that. I've either been all-RJ45 or all-BNC, but never a mixture. Does anyone have experience with this? Even the cheap hubs seem to have a BNC connector, too. I always assumed that plug was for daisychaining hubs and not for mixing 10baseT networks with coax networks. But I never tried.I have used this setup about 3 years ago. Was an absolute pig to maintain, 50 devices on 10/100BaseT with a 15 device 10Base2 spur off a dumb hub sitting on the main switch, another 2 dumb hubs sat on this spur with another 6 devices each!
Throughput was terrible, but it was only for the sales and marketing departments