For the curious, the problem is that when coming off of standby, the display must get powered on again. And the tuner gets power only/whenever the display is powered (same hardware supplies the juice).

So, when the display/tuner are powered on, there is a momentary dip in voltage from the power supply, which can trick the built-in software power-fail logic into thinking it has to do an emergency "save-to-flash" operation and whatnot, the first step of which is to poweroff the display.. leading to..

Well, you get the idea. Now, the original Empeg code included logic to deal with this, by disabling powerfail detection for 100ms after the display is powered on. This worked great until Hijack started messing with the display control logic, slowing down certain internal operations to make them more reliable when used with the extra hacks Hijack provides. In the end, 100ms was not long enough for whatever reason, ESPECIALLY with a tuner drawing current from the same lines.

So, v352 simply waits longer (250ms is what I used, could probably get by with less, but..) before turning the powerfail detection logic back on.
