Yea, I saw your install.
I did think about doing something simular at first but just decided against it. My first choice of install was in a cubby hole in the dash with a door that can cover the empg when it's still in the car unfortently b/c of steel bars in the way they couldn't do it by like 1/4" on each side so glove box it was. Also what about those few times you go out drinking with your friends and the car is sitting on a downtown street corner for hours on end etc. So I think I am still happy with it in the glove box.
I know I'll have limited ability with no visuals. But if you have your empeg very well organized you shouldn't need the visuals much anyways. Most things I do with the empeg I can do without the visuals. Volume Up/Down, Song Back/Next, Shuffle On/Off, and change playlists (I have then on PIN #'s so do search for PIN # then enter).
Also no I do not have a colum control for my car but I did come across the sony one but I think it'll just look outta place. I guess I'm just very picky regarding my new car.
Thanks for the link as well, will look over it when I get to work.
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