Also what about those few times you go out drinking with your friends and the car is sitting on a downtown street corner for hours on end etc.
I'm not sure what you mean by that statement. I don't leave the player in the car, ever (and suggest you do the same). The stealth cover will only fit over the empty hole.
The stealth cover is specifically designed to protect the car from theft damage in those situations. Thieves who see the empty hole might break into the car anyway, hoping to find a stereo stashed under a seat, in the glove box, or in the trunk. Even though they wouldn't get the empeg, they would cause damage to the car. So I make it look like the car doesn't have a stereo installed at all, hence no damage.
If you meant, "how do I carry the player with me when I'm out drinking with my friends", I just do. It's got a carrying case. Once in a while, I might go to a place where I wouldn't want to carry the player with me. In that case, the player gets left at home. But those situations are very rare.