Actualy if you have a decent sound sytem in your car you should hear a huge difference from the ipod and any other head unit.
When I bought my new car several months ago I did use my ipod in it for the past several months till I decided what I wanted to do. Don't get me wrong it doesn't sound bad but it is a little watered down. It was a lot easier to unplug the ipod and carry it around then it is the empeg but I'd rather lug around the empeg then lose sound quality with the ipod.
Most of the time the glovebox will be open and I can see the visuals just fine. Only wanted to still be able to control it with it closed for if I have passengers. Should be getting the IR Extender today and test it out this evening so we'll see how that goes.
Also if anything I think I can view my empeg better when it's in the glovebox (when open of course). The sunlight doesn't hit it nearly as much and it's on a slant facing the drivers seat so that's not a problem either.
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